1 of 3 - Ellen Fairclough
As none of you probably know Ellen Fairclough recently died at the age of 99. She was the first female MP to ever grace the halls of our house of commons. Its sad that she died but the cool part is that she was from Hamilton...I never knew this until her death and its funny because we even had a big poster of her up on the wall in grade 10 English(with Mr. Green the guy that busted me in class stoned outta my face and then asked me one seriously fucked up question). I wonder why niether my teacher nor anyone else in the class took the time to point out she was a Hamilton native, in fact I don't think anyone recognized her around here at all until she finally passed away...sexism you say? I doubt it. I think its just the fact that nobody really gives a shit about things like this anymore. Now that I'm kinda interested in Canadian government and politics I sorta wish I knew more about her while she was still alive. She really seemed like a nice lady too(I heard an old interview with her) I mean come on, she repped Hammer town large yo....If you want more specific details don't ask me; I'm trying to keep this blog from bieng a source of recycled news but the CBC has the full story. Maybe I can increase their hit count by 1 or 2. God speed Ellen Fairclough....RIP.
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