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Be True To Your City

Posted by Hello

A couple of things happened to me recently that really bugged me, and sorta made me realize that people who aren't from Hamilton are ignorant fucks.

Number 1:

Remember how I mentioned that me and Brandos would be appearing in a shot from The Coors Light Maxim Club Tour with 2 of the most luscious babes you'd ever seen? Well guess what, its not gonna happen...check for yourself here. You can see all 13 shots from Fever Nightclub that ill-fated Wednesday, and not one of Brandos and I. Let me tell you why....they posted 13 in total!! 13!! Every other city on the tour got at least 30 shots posted..again, check it out for yourself(if for no other reason than to see hot babes). I'm not pissed that I personally didn't make it on, so much, its that we as a city got ripped off! I mean, I could understand if they had 75 shots and I just wasn't beautiful enough to make it; fine, so be it. But 13?? Come on, did they lose 3 rolls or something? Such bullshit I have never seen. I even wrote them an email demanding to know wtf is going on, and I encourage all of you to email Coors Light also...stand up for our right god damn it! Look at this fat weirdo, why is he representing our city? Ohhhh right, you lost all the film......fuck you Coors Light.

Number 2:

So I'm playing a little online poker at and some asshole asks me if I am from Hamilton. Stupid question already since it states that fact right beside my name. Anyway, he proceeds to ask me how I can stand the smell and that he feels sorry for me because I must be a mutant from growing up beside a factory.....can I get a big FUCK YOU from everyone here please? Who are these idiots? I ask this sack of shit if he's ever been here and he's all " too many times for my liking". I seriously wanted to find this ass and fart in his mouth but I had to play it cool because I had a plan....but anyway I look and he's from London; right.....I bet I know exactly who he is. He's that jock from Western that I went to school with for three years, and he's the guy that always had to start shit....oh wait, that's all of them. I don't know this guy, never said shit to him and he's giving me the business online because of where I'm from. It seems odd to me that the powers that be deemed this shit-pit a perfect spot to build a pretty nice university and the best hospital around....such ignorance is amazing. I'm having a bad day at online poker(for FAKE money) so I'm gonna start shit with the guy from Hamilton. Where do you think they got the steel to make the bright yellow Acura your Dad bought you before he kicked you out of your house in Rosedale?? go to hell. We don't need people like you here. stay out, and if you come I hope you spend hours figuring out the one-way streets. I like them.
I bet you're wondering what my plan was....well I never lost my shirt, I just acted like a wounded little puppy-dog the whole time. Then I went and told the system administrator to review our conversation....hahahahah. They kicked him off that shit foreva!! kinda gay I know..but I was sure it would work cause I once got kicked off the same site for being an asshole. wait....everyone in my house 2nd year did....christ allmighty Western can turn you into a turbo-jock.

As a side note I want to mention that there are people from Hamilton that walk around all the time with a chip on their shoulder. I know lots of them. They are always afriad that people think they are better than them. Just because you come from a mainly blue collar town doesn't mean you need to have an inferiorty complex....this is the flipside of the coin I see all the time and it bugs me almost as much. Its funny because alot of the same people that hate high-society types can't wait to be high-society themsleves.

Such is mango.