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Niagara On The Yang-Tse??

After my other plans fell through, I ended up in Niagara On The Lake this afternoon with my good buddy Bambo. We though we'd do a little shopping(tis' the season), and grab something to eat while we were down there. After a couple blocks a few things became clear to me:
1) everything is over priced
2) everyone is stuffy
3) they don't like dudes with Mohawks
4) they don't often see black people...(refer to the lyrics of Rollin' down Rodeo by RATM)

Now I don't wanna turn this into some massive racial commentary, but walking into those way-too-small, stuffy little specialty stores turns everyone's heads instantly; its just that today I got alot more weird looks than usual. I was sporting a Mohawk and I was with a gentleman of colour.

Now that I've had a couple jobs and been a couple places I've finally begun to realize that you truly can't judge people by what they look like. That guy dressed all shabby has a platinum card, and the dude in the suit whips out 3 cards that all decline. The man in the beat up pick up truck owns a multi million dollar corporation, and the chick in the nice new Lexus is days away from having it re-possesed. The dude with the Mohawk is probably alot smarter than you, and his black friend is inclined to steal jack shit. Obviously, its true that you can judge people by their appearence, and hey maybe its even cool to crack wise behind their back, but treating them different off the bat is just stupid and you are always the one who loses out in the end.

So here's where I'm going with this and why the post is a combo Ontarian city and Chinese river:

Eating in NOTL is damn expensive, so we decided the local Chinois restaurant would be best. Before we even got in I could see the sign that said "washrooms are for customers", and "if you aren't ordering at least $10 worth of food, don't bother" etc... I was pretty sure we had those bases covered, so in we strolled. BAM!!! this dude is all in our faces;

"can I help you?"
"2 for lunch please"
"did you see the menu outside?"
"yeah, looks good"
"so do you need menus? **** of course we do dickhead
"yes we do"
"but you looked outside.."
"yeah we looked.."
"oh so you want menus and a table?"

At this point the guy is still blocking our way into the place and i'm about to snap on him. Obviously if I was wearing an ascot like all the rest of the clientel in this over-priced excuse for a Mandarin I wouldn't be having this I cop an attitude:

"Is it ok if we eat lunch here?"
"yes, yes it just that some people come in and--"

And then the guy just kinda trailed off.

Buddy, you aren't selling Fabrege eggs...stop being such a cock.

Today made me realize what some people go through all the time. Its disgraceful. And the food was half-assed. I will never go back there. This guy was beyond apprehensive, he was just rude. So what if I have a Mohawk, and so what if I'm with a black dude(who incidentally looked like he belgoned on Wall St. at that particular moment), I'm still gonna order lunch and pay for it.

this is why I distrust Chinese people. hahahahaha.