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Late Sunday....

When all you get dealt in online poker is 7's and 3's, you end up with alot of in-between time to tell the internet about your w/e.

Friday night was one of those spur of the moment masterpieces...

Since I missed Death From Above 1979 in Hamilton and Toronto, I decided I should take them in at Call the Office in London if I possibly could. Me, Simon, and Mike hopped in the red rocket and blasted off for jocktown without a second thought. Big ups to Benny Mills for letting us crash at his souped up downtown loft, and for his quick wit and engaging conversation.

Arriving at the club we were unexpectedly greeted by Chris Webden, a man who I had not been informed would be attending. This was a great surprise since he has become rather "T.O." lately. Even better was the fact that he knew the bartender and we got some free booze. All the hapiness and booze eventually caught up with me and I was schmamered by 10.

A band called the Panthers opened for DFA, and they come from Brooklyn. Simon was up front knocking over 17 year old chicks and head banging like a maniac. It was awesome. After that part things get kinda foggy for me. I remember screaming at DFA to give somebody a sticker for free, I remember yelling "oh my god" at some dude that bumped into me, and I remember headbanging with my eyes closed(probably why I bumped into that guy).

The night wrapped up with a trip to GT's, followed by hardcore partying at the Mills' loft until about 7am. All in all a sick night. If you ask Simon he'll tell you there was plenty of "butt blasting"(and he was worried that phrase would creep into our vernacular). What he might not tell you is how he whipped his cock out in the middle of the night and hosed on Mills' coffee table. That news had to come out.

I spent the rest of the weekend recovering, and losing at pro-line. Fuck you football.