- Of the 120,200,000 vostes cast on Election Day, roughly a third were processed by electronic voting machines supplied not by government but by private corporations, at least one of them (Diebold) controlled by a zealous partisan of the Republican Party who made no secret of his wish to bring victory home for the holidays. The software programs enjoyed the protection granted to commercial trade secrets.
- Number of House members in 1979 who voted against making Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a national holiday: 133
- Number who are still in the House: 9
- Number who are Vice President: 1
- Number of American five-year-olds named Lexus: 353
- Chance that a Japanese grade-school student reports never having seen a sunrise or sunset: 1 in 2
- Hours after Kerry conceded, that a New Yorker posted a personal ad seeking a Bush supporter for a "fair, physical fight": 5
- Number of people who volunteered within twenty-four hours: 3
- Number who asked to watch: 9
Wow, imagine getting so angry at an election result that you send an open ended challenge out to have a physical altercation with a supporter of the opposing side?
Actually wait, maybe this is how everything should be settled. Duels. Lets just have more duels.
Wrong price charged= duel, mean look on the bus= duel, guy cuts you off= duel, dog shits on your lawn= challenge the dog to a duel, I don't like the cut of your jib= duel.
We can even have the Ministry of Dueling, for handeling duel disputes. I bet those would be the best paying jobs; duel dispute handlers.
Come to think of it, duel is one of the words that if you say it too much begins to sound weird and fake. Like elastic. Try saying that 25 times fast. Fuck you up.
I guess what I'm trying to say is ordinary people are getting so shit upon now that they are clearly reduced to such phenomenon as dueling.
ps - that would have been AMAZING to watch.
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