So I haven't posted in 45 big deal. Had a super-good Friday night. Webby, Pierre, Richardson, Sie, Brandos, Marcus, Millsy, the list goes on.....I think we partied down pretty hard. Thanks to Ben for the hospitality, Webby for the idea, and Brandos for puking 5 times. Notice how it was all dudes on the list?? Oh well, I did talk to one girl...hahahaha. Webby's ex, the one I pretty much ultra-dissed by accident. Foot out of mouth......Anyway, me and the rock and roll nigga talked
Bloc Party, me and Marcus talked steak, Sie farted on me, Brandos abstained from certain festivities, and Mike never did get his "chirri oil", but god damn it was good times.
I've been listening to the new
Mario album and I know that makes me a big pussy, but hopefully I'll be more sensitive as a result, plus that Let Me Love You is so catchy.....holla atcha boy.